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that’s a vagina i got for fil.

oh yeah i also arm wrestled everyone last nite (well not everyone just like 8 people) and lost every time. TO GIRLS WITH SKINNIER ARMS THAN ME EVEN! AND SKINNIER WAISTS TOO. i am a total weakling i bet my niece could even beat me up and she’s 9 and skinnier than olive oil.

now that i have bangs i have noticed that every person in the universe has them too, rather, every girl at the hanky panky dildo wine party we went to last nite at jen‘s had bangs. also, bangs is all i think about right now (seriously if you see me sitting alone not talking (for some reason?) i am thinking about my bangs) too and stop telling me to cut them shorter, i will in time, what am i some person you just tell to do stuff and then they do it cos you told them to? honestly people.

anyway, fil was the ONLY DUDE there in a room FULL of chicks, (requisite photog. dude) this other gay guy chickened out of coming hahahaha and to be fair he/we were told there would be a few guys milling around.

too much estrogen for you “philogyinst“?


\Phi*log”y*nist\, n. [See Philogyny.] A lover or friend of women; one who esteems woman as the higher type of humanity; — opposed to misogynist.

i’ll put up more pictures later but guess what items i picked out, you can visit to browse their catalogue.

i was really impressed at how professional the demonstration was yet laid back, it was also nice that jen’s dog was humping my leg the entire time and my arm from the fairy whatever dust i sprinkled on it. we also learned that there are many creams and body lotions you cannot put on or in your vagina.

rachel and i go way back to shitty drum and bass nites my ex used to drag me to ungh i’m like hi i’m raymi she’s like hi i know you. haha.

eventually all the bitches were like WE WANT COCK LETS GO OUT! so my fantasy dance party was abruptly cut short.

we need to redecorate.

fil put in ear plugs at one point to “be funny” and jen went oh WAHAEWAHWHAAH MY VAGINAAAA! and danced all around him like a lunatic. i almost pissed myself. her husband went out to see a double header film last nite to avoid the party. she also told me a hilarious story i’ll have to wait and see if she ok’s it first before blabbing it here, it involves a black eye and a busted tooth and a bridal shower.

i asked if rocky was a pomeranian, he is half pom, half something unbeknownst, mystery party dog.

i would not shut up about how much henna and rachel look alike and everyone else was all no no no, excuse me, yes they do!

we went to unit where it takes ten minutes to figure out how to flush their toilets and you have a wicked panic attack in the process knowing there are a ton of people lined up outside the door and your creation just won’t flush!

yeah i might give myself another haircut later today.

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