free hit counter

me: what are you doing?

fil: reading your comments why?

me: why don’t you come over here and hang out with the real thing?

meanwhile cid is purring and bonering all over fil’s presence like extreme hardcore in the hardcorest most extreme way ever my hair is on fire right now and fire ants are death marching at my feet and those guys are like meh?

oh yeah the point of this post BURN on the PATS!

we are in a fight because you made me miss my playboy the girls next door stories.

this is the longest i have been so sick for in the longest fucking time i am pretty much out of my mind beside myself right now cos of it, i haven’t really been “drunk” drunk all week but tonite it snuck up on me and i know i’m still pretty sick ‘n all but i’m basically like fuck it, fuck this, seriously. i can’t even cry about it anymore. ok yes i can. it’s kind of a blessing like how when you’re sick and you don’t feel like smoking so you decide to quit, well i pretty much don’t smoke anymore now regardless of this being sick shit, what i’m getting at is, cos of sickitude i haven’t been givin’er all that much this week save for tonite (which really wasn’t that much) despite feeling queasy all day and feverish and hot and clammy and a whole new fucking shade of ill on top of worst. period. ever.

see you this wednesday at the crooked star i swear to fuck i will make it a gong show just for you well mostly for me, but you know all this staying in and feeling wicked stir crazy, ungh sigh. i mostly stay in a lot anyway but when you are forced to stay in you just want to crawl out of your skin.

i just re-read this post and it sounds pretty loony tunes, sorry, i’m working on 5 hours of sleep each nite, last nite i woke up at 3.20 to the sound of a gnarly frat fight in the street that i shot up out of bed to watch from the window in my underwear shivering and snivelling and cowering until a car sped away then my adrenaline was surging and the dayquil and rockstars were doing their thing and i had to think myself down out of a panic attack and/or barfing while fil was happily snoring in my face, it took an hour to fall back asleep again then i awoke at 9.30 and was up for good bloodshot eyes silently weeping for myself like a fucking greek tragedy.

it hasn’t exactly been fun.

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