i think i am stressed out crazy enough to wear my overall shorts tonight in this terrible weather, i mean, they are basically lederhosen and it’s the skinniest time of the month even though i have starvation whale bloatage on the horizon slash now. this just in who even cares anymore? i have to practise wearing these things in case i wear them again tuesday – people have to believe that i take myself seriously in lederhosen.
update i change my mind i just watched this thing on britney spears (i love when she fucks up and then on every channel they air a biography on her, so in the last 6 months i have seen the same bio/spotlight 5 times at least) and now i don’t feel slutty enough so i have to create some other retardo get-up.
that’s all.
i am so tired.
i woke up at 9.15 having to pee the universe (went to bed at 2 despite exhaustion, we watched the kingdom) then i went back to bed only to get up 2 minutes later cos my stomach felt like someone lit a fire in it and i was either going to shit myself or barf myself (seriously WHATISWRONGTWITHME chinese food? even though i said i wouldn’t eat that anymore). shitting won and oh how it did.
so i’ve been awake more than i am used to these last few days, typically i clock as many hours as possible where was i going with this, oh right i’m tired and i barely feel like going out but it’s some retard’s birthday party who works for sony and he really wants me (especially me) to come.
i might wear my stewardess dress thing oh i don’t know my life is so easy it’s hard.
today was my first day using my new computer FROM THE COUCH i know welcome to 2000 raymi.