yesterday’s head size started out on a small note then my head just progressively got bigger throughout the day.
dear WEIRD, yes, i received the memo.
smiling was not in vogue back then.
shitty toys too, i had a doll like this once and was super frustrated playing with it, the two girls never get to hang together.
EVERYTIME i close my browser all of my history deletes EVERYTIME so if i visit your blog be very flattered because i typed the entire address out no cheatsies auto-fill whatever that thing is called and be double flattered that i remembered you even had a blog at all i sit here thinking ok who to spy on next oh mr so and so’s blog i haven’t visitted yet type type type i am writing about anything that comes into my mind right now so i don’t have to do any chores.
oh and for the next two hours i don’t have any pants to wear either (laundry).