so these are my 5am thoughts.
it was rumoured last nite that beckham and tom cruise are an item so then i was thinking about perez hilton and gossip blogs and how celebrities when on talk shows are asked which websites they read and all they can say is perez hilton or some shit like tmz and it is embarrassing, anyway, i of course applied this to myself and what would i say if asked oooh which fucking gossip blog do i read i would say that’s like asking what i jerk off to, how is it even relevant and who cares really? why give more to that fucking blowhard who is famous solely for talking about famous people and for nothing more? he has (cleverly) based his entire persona upon the stupidest hollywood waste of space socialite ever, paris hilton, and thus never ever talks shit about her, everyone and anyone who is her enemy is his as well, he is the quintessential hag fag. his hatred for celebrities who “hate” being photographed by the paparazzi makes me furious, he states that they are hypocritical because it is the paparazzi who make them bigger stars than they are and get them more films, more buzz etc. to which i say bullshit, do not project your deluded ideals onto celebrities because it is your job to sit around in starbucks writing about people who are out there working, people that you have people out stalking for your inflated ego blog. you are so far-deep into your celebrity stalking blog/world you think that what you think is how celebrities think and that they are secretly thankful to be hounded and pictures posted with white photoshopped drizzle and dots and crappy disses all over them. how can you say that what you do has any bearing or makes any difference to their career, what you are doing is actually detrimental you fucking hack. there are celebs that are loads successful and get plenty of work without the aid of a gossip blog, sean penn for example, stays in the shadows.
you created your own reality and now you are buying into it, you built your little shit empire, it’s your perception, not everybody else’s, don’t make assumptions.
ungh in summation, perez hilton should lose some weight and quit with the i REALLY care about amy winehouse one day and then trash her ballet slippers and life the next and then post photos embracing her that’s so beyond tacky.
i don’t ever want to talk about this again i feel disgusting now.
anyone can make a celebrity gossip blog and hitch their enterprising moochy star to paris hilton’s, but, everyone else seems to have a little more class than that.
that being said, i would still totally party with paris hilton and blog about it, just for you guys.
i have had this dreamy little sweater for four years now, got it for 2 dollars from some hippie garage sale in parkdale. it’s kind of like a belly top these days though.
uh oh someone got busted during sexy time.
samir as gino.
mine. mixed curry vegetable.
samir’s club.
as usual fil.
oh and guess what?
the one time i don’t order the grilled calamari, they give away TWO!