fil got a david beckhamesque hoodie yesterday.
trick to looking like a skinny junky, wear a men’s large salmon coloured shirt.
here i am crazy waiting for chinese food to show up, 1.5 hours to get there oh it’s “raining” whatever fil beat the guy coming home and he stopped at the lcbo too.
the sky/view from our patio while watching will and grace and eating seven rounds of chinese food.
i put the sticker on my longboard.
then i had to change cos the chinese food made me feel pregnant.
i at least got some free expensive hair product from that die mannequin event.
sentimental romantic outfit with smeary mirror.
new polish, had the same kind as a tweenager.
went out for coffee and got us some groceries for breakfast, egg whites instead of eggs for basil tomato feta green onion scramble, can’t notice a difference in taste, no fat and bonus: looks like a yeast infection surprise!
stay tuned for a hilarious drunk fil story!