fun with cheapness, destruction, and creativity. haha yeah oozing creativity here people.
how did i acquire these butt grabbers?
these are size 32s from h&m, where everything is loads small, or is it just my fucking hips and love handles? anyway these always fit but not in a nice enough way, and while the bigger pants look is coming back, slight bell-bottom shit, these just won’t suffice, too fucking big, i never wore them and missed the chance to whenst in-between sizes.
you can only look sort of skinny if you are barefoot and everyone around you is high on the weed and you are telling a hilarious joke, other than that you are an elephant.
haha after vogue like before i am all sad and obese with thunderclouds above my head and now my life is changed forever. oh and i am a fat water-retaining premenstrual pig right now.