robofunk‘s mushroom experience
all the way down
So, I had way too many mushrooms at once, this one time and I knew it before they even started to kick in. I was pretty paranoid about what they were going to do to me so I entertained my friends with obsessive compulsive cleaning of the campsite we were on and I took a mere 90 minutes to split a couple of logs for the fire. A fine example of how I do things. They were sitting back enjoying the ride, laughing their asses off at the futility of my struggle, while I railed against it and made bad choice after bad choice.
As darkness fell, my surrender instinct got the better of me and I flew off into the treetops from the comfy vantage point of a reclining lawnchair. Time went away completely and damn if the flicker of the leaves against the breeze wasn’t the most intoxicating thing I’d ever seen. We also answered the question: how could you listen to Beyonce for 6 hours straight? Answer: Extreme drug-induced laziness.
I miss the emptiness that was in my head that day. There’s only one other thing that can burn all my thoughts so effectively but a naked marathon on the mechanical bull just seems so passé now.
i invite you to share your funny drug stories in my comments, thank you.