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dear blog
you slay
i think about you
when i’m away
i put down funny things to say
and pictures of my hair when it looks like hay
if you were a person we would totally play
party snort coke and hang
i know hang doesn’t rhyme with play
but chong ching ching chong chang
dear blog
you complete me
dear blog
you could eat me (i know you would be awesome at it)
dear blog
you can fully rely on me
i will be there for you always
even when they say my schtick is tired
i will still write mean things about strangers secretly on you
i picture us on the wickedest most psychadelic fucking rainbow holding hands flying on the backs of unicorns on the heaviest pcp ever and stardust is in our beautiful long hairs
dear blog

*edit – unicorns are cliche so input CHESTERFIELD instead. bye.


elizabeth impersonates raymi

elizabeth’s dare

that dress looks awesome on you


this is good.

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