im wearing my new white dress tonite for the elizabeth party i have to get as many pictures before i spill the world on it. i’m afraid to do anything. i just put the pork tenderloin in the oven, fil is bringing home jameson’s i have to eat something i have a massive headache. hot dog time? i am so tanned i will never let myself be pale ever again. sorry guys this blog gets waaaaaaaaay more vapid come spring/summer, come autumn it’ll be back to blogging about sweater sets and pantaloons. this will be the summer of slutty.
ok, insanely important update, i am too afraid to wear the white dress so i am wearing a slutty girl scout pleated skirt instead, not sure what shirt yet. that is all.
ok update the second, that skirt looks stupid cos i have lost weight stupid shit so i will be wearing socks and nothing else i hate myself.
for anyone who cares there is the online blurb of me from that polski magazine. i just found it.
oh barf.