oceans never listen to us anyway
last nite’s sunset rubdown/xiu xiu show made up for the suck what was calla on wednesday. sunset played first and fuck blew me away, i knew nothing of them beforehand, i am won over, i bought their cd. xiu xiu were also great but 40% of the time they were all about pretentious weirdness which is never a substitute for talent, i mean, they obvs. got the talent i dunno why the need to fuck it all up with long silences and tiny conch shells clacking in lieu music that is audible from the back of the room, i am a fan of music, not noise i can make myself with a stick against a chainlink fence. they were definitely anti-climactic after sunset, sorry xiu xiu.
there was this cat in the very front we were commenting on during sunset, he was sitting alone, skinny, old man detective hat, glasses, chewing a tiny stogey, reading catch-22!!! he was hunter s-ing out hard, not even the coolest of cool can pull that off seriously. anyway he was in the same spot all nite long and was really feeling xiu xiu like understood the clanging you could tell to the very being of his soul i said to fil he must be thinking the chick working the keys is the yin to his yin.
oh then of course fil started using his flash and one time blew it over the sound guy’s back (who was crotchety from being called-out in front of the whole room, from the stage by xiu xiu) and so drunklor lipped him and couldn’t stop, once he began i kept tugging his arm cos i knew we were going to get thrown out and i had to piss, fil was telling the guy how he could at least be polite and meanwhile there are all these flashes going off from other people’s cameras and the sound guy is like it says on your ticket NO FLASH which isn’t true and fil tells him this so sound guy goes ok then we’ll see what happens then fil says uh he is getting security and we leave, passing security and sound guy cos fil didn’t want his card deleted. the security dude’s look on his face was so passe about having to deal with this flash camera nonsense, pretty funny, and as we were pulling on our coats he was shit-talking xiu xiu and how strange and weird their music was and how everyone was leaving too, meanwhile, he is suppose to be telling us like it is regarding flash photography.
then we are on the street and these three dudes come out of the billiards thing and ask for a cigarette saying he will give me a ridiculous amount of change and i say no it’s fine i’ll give you one for free and the guy has dreads and a polish housecleaner’s kercheif on his head and his buddy goes “ridiculous amount of change? you are such a nerd.” and i got it in my head to zing this kid so i said AT LEAST HE ISN’T WEARING A BACKPACK LIKE THAT and everyone was shocked and awed and i went OH SNAP like ben stiller in zoolander and everyone laughs at the backpack guy and tells him to go back to highschool. as we were walking away one of the guys was just standing there looking at us go, huge love and adoration for my asshole mouth all over his face, it was pretty romantic, especially with the rain falling down like that and the streetlights.
this outfit received a thumbs down
evidence of xiu xiu’s weirdness, though i like it when she screams.