i left a love note in the john at the horseshoe:
i can’t wait to go back and see FUCK YOU SLUT and other messages scrawled around it. middle stall, downstairs bathroom, ladies.
me: i left a love note for u at the horseshoe
sharpachu: hee hee
that’s funny
i totally dance at concerts
me: i should write dear sharpie from now on
well there were a bunch of nerds dancing
and then after i wrote that some cute girls were dancing and i was like oh no
and they were cool kinda
i dance too when im wasted
sharpachu: omg that would be so awesome to see dear sharpie notes around town
it could be like a scavenger hunt, i will write responses, got to go get my horde of sharpies
me: i have to go back to the victory to see if my poetry slam message is there still
sharpachu: haha
god that’s so weird!
(the poetry slamming)
me: fully, do nerds know they are nerds like crazy people dont know they are crazy
sharpachu: and ugly people don’t know they’re ugly
me: ha
sharpachu: although, some people embrace their nerdiness
me: i think some nerds know they are nerds but not the ones who poetry slam
sharpachu: they’re the “do’s”
the ones who poetry slam are trying to figure out ways to be cool
me: poetry slams and drum circles
sharpachu: but failing
drum circles is less nerdy more disgusting hippie
less axe body spray more patchouli
me: i need to write a longer poem about fils balls and read it at the victory with a straight face, would you come listen to me, i would bust up laughing and if samir was there too sooooo not happening with a straight face
sharpachu: of course i will!
me: and then at the end i can bow dramatically get down on one knee and point at fil and say HE is the one
sharpachu: hahahahaha
that would be thee best!!!
me: fil would die
sharpachu: i would die laughing
me: and be high
no if i was high i would laugh hysterically for ten minutes
and start crying
sharpachu: if you took like a valium you could do it
like all you need is a total downer
me: so i wonder if anyone can join this troupe
i could be a poetry mole for a year
sharpachu: hahaha
do some inside journalism
me: put all this ridiculous effort and wasted hours
just to read a poem about fils balls
sharpachu: and then write a memoir!
me: and go on tour then the poetry nerds email me all hurt and try and have a confrontation about how i hurt their feelings
sharpachu: you can have a duel with them at that point