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in jamie‘s loft sound travels, doi, so last nite the sound of the cats crunching on cat food was suuuuper loud and instead of being annoyed by it i found it to be almost comforting ALBEIT it sounded like bones being gnawed at and it made me wonder why dry food is well, so dry, why can’t it be half-dry? don’t you want your cat to dine on something more appealing and less noisy? is it a method of control to let them know they are way beneath us and worthy only of eating garbage turned kibble what smells like dirty vagina?

anyway deb’s cats are the best i like them, rory is a full-on hitler cat see:

i have already started calling rory by norm i dunno he looks like a norm, he is very nice. the other one miss velvet was a bit skiddish at first but now she has come around and when i make a noise that you make to beckon a cat she comes right to me.

moving on, jamie showed me this glass last nite and asked if i had remembered it and i said uh no where is it from and he said it was from when i walked out of blu lounge to puke behind a dumpster and he kept it haha. i can’t remember if it was full of water or beer though. speaking of blu lounge i think it is closed so sorry if you went there i couldn’t blog yesterday to say it was a no-go old blogger was down which i am i have not switched to beta and i doubt i will less they force me to.

this woman has a question.

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