me: yer family portrait is still my desktop
Sabrina: haha
that warms my heart
when we take the new one i will send it to you
my mom will have to take like 4 so that we all look human
me: haha
did we have the conversation yet where i accuse your sister of actually being your daughter?
Sabrina: no
we can have that because she is totally my MINI
me: ok well is she
Sabrina: nope
me: liar
Sabrina: hahaha
me: ok fine
but you are brainwashing her into being you
Sabrina: it is sort of cool to have her as my sister cause it makes me realize i actually like and want kids because she is super close to being mine
i totally am
me: and yer mom doesnt care?
Sabrina: we are all sort of fucking weird
we just give her the option of testing shit out to be who she wants to be
and when she is a shit–we put her back into line
we call her Jenny when she is fucking rotten and call that her alter ego
and she gets mad and then we make her read and she is like NOOOOO
me: hahahahhaa
Sabrina: so then we tell her we are going to write shitty stories about how she smells or something
so she tries to hurry up and write one about how we are disgusting or something
and she will be like HOW DO YOU SPELL VOMIT?
me: hahahha
do u tell her that u will write it on the internet
u guys are mean
Sabrina: then she will draw a picture that looks remarkably like a picasso and you are suppose to be insulted
me: im going to use that on my mom
Sabrina: hahaha
me: except it wont work
Sabrina: if i want to fuck my mom’s day up all i tell her is that she is being a bitch because she is jealous as hell that we all look like her 25 years ago
but i don’t do that anymore because i do not want her to hang herself
but i did he when i was like 15
because i am a shitty ass, manipulative person
me: woah
thats some reality for her