ooh guess what there’s a blogwar going on about me right now that i had no idea about apparently i am a skank and i have acorn tits. fwahaha.
here is an email informing me of the matter:
HOLY FUCK! This blog competition is stressful and I’m not even partaking in it, aside from voting for you. I have accidently started a blog war in one of your competitors comment section all because I said you weren’t a skank and that you were deserving of your votes. I suppose I didn’t really start it since they are the ones who turned around and questioned my intelligence thus angering me.
Some lady, I’ll attach her picture, said you post pictures of your acorn looking nipples. I always wondered what acorn nipples would look like so thank you Raymi for apparently having them and posting pictures of them. Truth be told, I really didn’t think there was such a thing as acorn nipples. But the crazy thing is that this girl has a muffin top stomach and thunder thighs, again things that I didn’t really think existed! So I must thank her for showing me those, okay maybe not because it wasn’t too appealing.
Apparently because you are different from the blog they love you should not be allowed in the diarist competition…one of the commenters has a little banner thing saying she’s open-minded. This open-mindedness stops though when it comes to bloggers who don’t hold onto grammar like it is the only thing that can really distinguish their blog and persona.
Gays can marry but that blogger Raymi cannot be part of any competition because she doesn’t use proper grammar on the internet.
Although I must say that I did cause someone to put up a post about how to debate ( http://www.thewebpen.net/blog/2006/12/how-to-debate.html), because I apparently can’t which I wasn’t really doing anyhow (isn’t defending someone and debating something two different things?). And someone posted the following which is awesome because it finally calls them on their douchebaggery.
“I went and read the comments over at HDW’s and it was all too familiar. It was HDW’s regulars who started the name calling with “skank” and other general ribbing that was less than fun. If somebody were doing that to me, I’d be proud of my friends for sticking up for me, whether I asked them to or not, and whether I was winning or not. It’s like a gang over at HDW’s and this is one of several reasons I stopped reading Apple Martini. This little episode pretty much solidified my feelings (and would solidify my vote if I ever bothered). It seems to me as if you just jumped on the bandwagon without having given Raymi’s blog a chance.
Raymi writes a really good blog. She also shows her tits. Big fucking deal. Seriously Howard, spend a month reading her blog get to know her style and who she is a little bit. I’m not a big fan of hers but I read several blogs that rave about her. And if your trying to say she’s winning cause she shows her boobs, that’s a bunch of bullshit. There is no shortage of boobs on the internet everybody has easy access to however many pictures of boobs they want. And many of them are better than Raymi’s (I’m willing to bet HDW’s are). 700+ people don’t visit Raymi’s site just cause they want to see boobs. Come on!
And as far as you grammar snobs go: You sound like a bunch of people that have such low esteem that your trying to ride high with gramatical shibboleths”
Anyhow, excuse the longness of the email I hope you don’t mind that my intention was to defend you (even though I’m sure you don’t need it…) and not to cause drama and attach it to your name/blog.
HERE’S THE COMMENT THREAD. green apple martini‘s handle is HOTDRWIFE. sorry, anyone who has to define themselves via marriage is sad. “MY LIFE ON WISTERIA LANE.”
enough said.