ok i am discussing this with my friend right now my INTERNET friend which actually means someone i will probably never meet but i want the entire world to think we are major best friends, hmm i will have to write about this later, anyway, we are discussing my bitchiness and he thinks i should not go to war on dooce cos i have a chance of winning and so if she gets all agro on me i can be like oh i was thinking how awesome dooce is and then she ends up looking bad somehow instead of me even tho i started all of it ahaha.
i told him i disagree, i think people like my inherent bitchiness, everyone loves a villain right? he thinks i am actually a very sweet person, and i can be, i mean, i am, but i am also a complete witch too.
so, what i want to know is, do you like me more for my bitchy or for my sweet?