free hit counter

watched scoop last nite. if you can get past how annoying it is to watch scarlett johansson immitate woody allen for 1.5 hours then yes, rent it. short of that, just stare at her tits. i actually forgot what her name was halfway through and referred to her as tits like it was a real name and not in the cheesy chauvinistic way that some fuck in a dive bar talks about some girl at minuteman express or wherever, yes, my way was more respectful?

there is a scene when she is in a red bathingsuit and i don’t really remember anything that happened during that part cos of that red bathingsuit not to be a lesbian or anything but holy bajungas.

hugh jackman is in it and normally my vagina would be tingling but seriously just you fucking TRY to keep your eyes off scarlett it’s impossible if they cloned her or even made dummy models and shipped them to afghanistan world war 3 would be over, just saying, not that troops are even in the right place right now, so i guess they would have to go to iraq instead, whatever i don’t know anything anymore.

fil put his hand up over my right eye to block out hugh jackman so i wouldn’t swoon over him and i said don’t even bother i am not looking at him.

i swear i did scarlett as boner of the week already i just tried googling my blog, no dice. ok scarlett is BONER OF THE WEEK.

ps ladies i remember from baywatch if you want to have huge cans or trick guys into thinking that you do, get a one-piece suit and make sure the straps go around your neck or there is a string that brings the straps together, don’t thank me, thank baywatch.

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