last nite i could barely stay awake at green room after my mountain of nachos i dunno why i’ve been sleeping in a lot lately save for yesterday anyway when we got home i was pulling my sweater off up over my head and jumped in the air to help cos you know shit sticks to you when it’s cold out cos of sweat and as i am jumping with both my arms shooting straight up with my sweater over my face fil decides to push/bodycheck me mid-jump/flight and i flew backward five feet onto the bed and then lay there giggling like a retard with my arms all tangled in my sweater over my head and then fil realised he did a funny thing and grilled me over what was so funny about it and then i had to deconstruct it all like on those tbs/superstation commercials where people call in the fake tbs call center and describe a scenario that just happened and tbs people say yeah it’s ok to laugh that was funny.
the end.