today’s theme of dress is inspired by autistic tennis player babysitters.
i ate finally. subway “tuscan” chicken. the guy who served me was super nice unfortunately the other sandwich artist serving a complete fucking cunt british lady either had listening problems or a language barrier and i felt bad for him and super pissed at the uptight fat-ass screaming about lettuce and then tomato, lettuce, then tomato. i timed my cut-eye for everytime she looked over her shoulder at me also my order was finished FIRST HA HA HA and i was 2/3 thru it by the time she sat down to eat (i ordered the 6″) anyway, what the fuck do you expect, wolfgang puck style service from subway?
i am going to smell like mayonnaise for the rest of the day now.
anyway when i was 15 i gave my resume to a subway in my town and like a month later i get a call but they ask for my dad cos i had him listed as a reference, my dad gets on the fone and subway manager is all trying to convince my dad to BUY THEM OUT as in HI I OWN A SUBWAY! my dad’s like NOOOoooo thank you.
and then two years later when i already have a job at the hardware store i get a call from them asking if i would like to come in for an interview. ??? uh don’t you think you would make a point to LOSE my resume after my dad shot you down and not to mention the fact that you used my resume as a resource for cold-calling potential buyers of your soon-to-be-failing business and NOW two years later you are desparate for employees so you’re getting around to calling me now like i have been sitting around NOT having a job for the past two years? uh FUCK YOU.