ok i know FOR FACT now that no one likes me in this building.
i was coming in behind another woman and the super says hello how are you to her and then NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to me and then the woman looks over her shoulder and also does NOT acknowledge me.
everyone says hi to fil, zero people say hi to me, except for the weird euro lady next door when she’s doing laundry in her see-thru t-shirt dress other than that everyone in this building HATES ME. i bet they get together, fil included, in the lobby downstairs and have meetings about how much they hate me and then when i come in with groceries they pretend to discuss flower-bedding.
anyway, i hate them too and i hate them more when they say hi to me when fil is present but go back to snubbing me when he’s not around or how they say hi when i am letting someone in who’s a friend cos they want to look like a nice neighbor in front of my friend.
i feel like i am stuck in a passive aggressive abusive relationship with my fellow building tenants.
anyway i just had an explosive korean bbq bowel movement, what’s up.