Jamie says:
why don’t you like AIM?
raymi says:
cos i dont know anything about it
raymi says:
and i am not american
Jamie says:
Jamie says:
what’s that have to do with it
raymi says:
america online
raymi says:
Jamie says:
Jamie says:
Jamie says:
so it’s a protest is it?
raymi says:
raymi says:
more like GAY O L
Jamie says:
raymi says:
total burn
Jamie says:
bill gates is the richest american ever
Jamie says:
U S A! U S A!
raymi says:
yeah well he wears glasses
raymi says:
raymi says:
so canada is better
raymi says:
Jamie says:
i won’t argue
raymi says:
i wanted to argue with you
Jamie says:
oh okay, well, if you really want to go there
raymi says:
Jamie says:
i can’t wait until america puts up a big fence at the canadian border
raymi says:
are they really going to do that
Jamie says:
then we’ll see who’s boss
raymi says:
well good luck getting fresh water
Jamie says:
they are talking about doing it in mexico
Jamie says:
but not canada
raymi says:
oh right
raymi says:
well then who is going to make all your food at your fancy williamsburg divebars?
Jamie says:
college kids