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my mind was going manic lying in bed before deciding whether or not i was gonna get up or pretend like i could actually go back to sleep again. i was thinking of all these one-liners and shit and i couldn’t stop them they just come to me like how psychic people are all, “i am psychic” or how christians are just fucking insane, anyway.

i have a big hate-on for everything and everyone right now i ran out of crazy pills so that’s the theme of the day today GET CRAZY PILLS and elizabeth and her dog are coming along with me and fil and i told her not to dress jewish and by that i don’t know what i meant. she said she would leave her yammakuhs at home and i said why can’t religions have cool shit to wear like hi-tops?

she isn’t even jewish though she may as well be. and here she is on mushrooms as a skinny jew retard.

she also told me to mention that this photo was taken approximately 6 months before cowboy boots were cool again.

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