please don’t waste my time by making me read your annoying whiney complaints about women and armhair. i hate men who whine about that more than i hate hearing feminists be feminists. fuck. there’s nothing that makes you lose coolness points faster than talking about a woman’s hairy armpit and then saying WOW I HOPE SHE TRIMS HER BUSH. it’s like people talking in movie theatres I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOU LIKE PUT MY FIST THROUGH YOUR HEAD TO THE OTHER SIDE. hairy armpits are such a non-issue and should be treated as such.
if men can let that shit grow women can too, you think it looks good on men but not on women? women are suppose to be prim and clean and princessy all the time? whatever women are expected to shave men should have to shave the same parts too.
and if you DEMAND for her to shave her pits then she is allowed to put the hair trimmings in your sandwiches and toothbrush and underwear drawer and other mysterious places.
that is all.