free hit counter

i have an ear-picking fetish and i’ve been at it for a year now i think. my left ear scabs up and gets flaky dry and i pick at it until it is sore and fil waits until my face is awash in euphoria and i am totally in the pleasure-zone of ear-picking and he slaps my hand away or hits my elbow so my finger jams painfully way up into my ear and then he says i will get cancer if i don’t stop picking my ear because whatever it is i am picking at never gets a chance to heal and i am like sure it does, it heals when i am asleep and then i wake up and pick at it some more.

sorry, i don’t have anything else to write about.

i am so ghetto today cos i’m smoking butts from the ashtray and i made these sticky noodles and ruined them because i doused them with liquid hickory smoke for flavor.

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