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i am retardedly bored and two nites ago i was retardedly wasted and destroyed a chicken samosa in three seconds during my stumble home and i slept on my face. during the day i bumped into some random woman and we were both wearing the same pants and she kind of sneered at me and i hung out in the supermarket for awhile to hog all of their air conditioning then went to mina’s to play the bubble ADD game and tell noel how old he is and watched some shaun of the dead and i still find it to be scary but only because i have bad nerves. went to the ghetto mall to look at the dollar store then inhaled 4 of those shok drinks aka junky juice and spoke gibberish for awhile. my right leg is finally better, the nite of labyrinth lounge i longboarded all over and probably did something stupid that i forgot about like went down some stairs or off a high curb, i dunno but my knee was in major pain for two days and now it is better. i finally saw the crazy cat lady from next door and she looks like that garbage dump lady in the labyrinth kinda. her backyard is full of junk too. the end. oh yeh the other nite also went to the product launch of the tv kozy. i know. brilliant.

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