it’s that part of the cold stage where you get to hack up interesting shaped wads of stuff and decide if you like the taste and either spit them out or reswallow for yet another go later on where they come back bigger and better and they can speak japanese.
shots of crown royal, ‘dems nasty.
my chappy lips are still recovering so they’re big and red and cocksuckery-looking and when i eat something hot my face turns to lava and i break out into old lady hives.
pictures to come soon of my black hair ‘cos don’t forget this is the rented movies, watched survivor, i dyed my hair blog!
and sometimes megatouch.
speaking of i had a dream that fil said he was going to go play megatouch and i went along wearing pajamas.
woah i look unattractive in that napoleon picture but i also look major cool so i have to use it.