free hit counter

whee robitussin high. my throat is getting sore. perfect.

yesterday mark described the workings of dungeons and dragons to me and why he isn’t playing anymore. first of all he had to bring his own snacks and these nerds that play don’t even drink and the whole game is just rolling dice and the dude who is in charge makes up all these things that happen and gives you two options and then you go on to your next move. fucker made up some swamp witch that molests mark and mark can either kill her with his sword or let her live and so mark kills her and then everyone made mark feel bad. you even have to have your own dice and keep them in a gay little pouch.

anyway, mark got told off at the pub by some older than old man who was eating fish ‘n chips with his wife for dinner. apparently mark was swearing too much but i didn’t even notice. i told oldy mcgee that we were there first.

like come on you’re eating dinner in a bar, what do you expect, church behavior?

so i went over to fil‘s to watch the end of survivor because watching survivor is not at all as nerdy as D&D.

then we went to the phoenix to watch the organ and stars and other bands i forget the names of however the organ was fucking snoresville that it turned the alcohol i consumed into crazy moonshine knockout juice and i had to go to the car and pass out ’til the concert was over. i hung in there ’til their fifth song though, of stars.

then hit up rabba for some chips and dip and ate the crap out of them on the ride home.

“Did they play the THAT STAR IS A FRECKLE ON MY FACE…song?”

“You mean the porcelain skin song?”


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