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raymi says:

aw man when is winter over

raymi says:

did u guys get a lot of snooooow

Jamie says:


Jamie says:

but not as much as they said

raymi says:

we got a tooooon

raymi says:


Jamie says:


Jamie says:

how much?

raymi says:

i dunno

raymi says:

a lot

Jamie says:

i wish we got more

Jamie says:

i wanted to be snowed in and not be able to get any food and then write a sad note before dying of starvation

raymi says:

you are so dramatic you should be in a soap opera

Jamie says:

i AM in a soap opera

raymi says:

and all of your electicity goes away and so your only entertainment is making things out of toothpicks

raymi says:

you WISH you were in a soap opera

raymi says:

i would be good in a soap opera

Jamie says:

you are already in one too

Jamie says:

yes, i would start to get stir crazy and begin acting things out with little toothpick people

raymi says:

and then you would think they were talking to you

raymi says:

well i mean a professional soap opera on televsion that has been on air since the 80s

Jamie says:

that takes place in a funnny sounding rich town like Sunny Oaks

raymi says:

how many times can people die and come back from the dead go in a coma and then have their father’s child like come on!

raymi says:

they need to modernize those shows

Jamie says:

i think they tried

Jamie says:

isn’t there one with all young people?

raymi says:

like, kenny’s heart exploded from too much blow while sarah got knifed for being bitchy at the local dancehall

raymi says:

yeh but they are stupid white people

Jamie says:

they need more VD

raymi says:

and the characters need to be middle class

Jamie says:

yeah, why are they always rich?

Jamie says:

what’s the point of that?

raymi says:

and who wears a tuxedo everyday?

raymi says:

fucking loser

Jamie says:

you should write one

raymi says:

my soap opera would be called, “the scream and the screamers”

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