free hit counter

we discovered a new megatouch game last nite.

it was incredible.

i even got a happiness buzz from playing it when we finally made it to the bonus round and i wanted to share it with the world!

that game was so good i wish i was playing it right now.

it’s called castle bandits and i don’t care if you don’t like it because i like it and i am going to write secret love notes to it and maybe email the megatouch guy again and tell him how much i heart it and follow-up on the possibility of megatouch sponsoring my blog which he did not respond to the first time i asked because he is all professional or something.


his spelling was crap anyway.

cid and i are girlfriends and we talk about eating at the mall and then he knits me some sweater pants because we are BFF!

when i go home to see rocky i am always amazed by how tiny rocky is and skiddish.

cid demands to sit on you while rocky has to prance around you like a fairy and smell the entire room and look out the window at his imaginary friends.

oh my god i’m old.

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