we had a fancy lunch today and then we had a fancy dinner and we watched chris rock say the N-word a lot and after a long while of laughing i said fuck man, all he ever does is complain about being black, wtf?
maybe this is where i went wrong
i should base my career on white-guilt and pace around with a microphone and bitch about white people stuff and every fucking white celebrity that’s ever fucked up large and bring it back full circle to it all being because they is white.
like what the fuck chris rock, you’re fucking hilarious, and so is/are every other comedian making fun of their race.
why can’t comedy just go back to cute innocent stuff like banana peels and seltzer bottles and some old guy getting really really mad and shaking his fist with a newspaper in it at some cute dog that just shat on the carpet, you know, mr. wilson styles?
why can’t the world be smart enough to be satisfied with monty python and watching tommy boy over and over and over again? why do women comedians always have to complain about their fucking shitty husbands and tampons and the men comics make up lies about some hobag in their hotel room and the wife chained to the kitchen sink.
not funny.
straight up.
if i were a stand-up comedian i’d most likely just stand there shaking my head at everybody and raising my eyebrows and say all this crap that only makes sense to me and some deaf lady and then throw my hands up in the air out of frustration and be hurt that nobody laughed and have zero capacity of piecing together the possibility that just maybe it was because i was insulting every single person in the audience and not in a funny ha ha way.
fuck it.