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hey raymi/lauren,

How do you write so poetically and heartfelt? I think you should write a blog or a book even on how you write better than jack kerouac. really. ive started his ‘on the road’ since you posted your old essay about it, and when i read it i think raymi does it better.

i want to be like you and write like you and look like you and


maybe because i am modern day and a girl and aware of my drunkenry and

mania and because i am so lippy and sharp it gets others around me

going so then i have a lot of material to work with. one of my fave

writers is douglas coupland, he speaks honestly and i find his stuff

very amusing because it is simple and makes you go DAMN i know EXACTLY

what he is talking about. if u just relate everything you know or ever

experienced in life and then write it in a way so people are like wow

what a genius how does she know this, they begin to think that u are a

genius but really u are just writing about something u experienced

once. use humour too. i dont want to teach the world how to write

like me, only certain nice people who make a point to email and ask.

everyone has their own writing voice. mine comes from pain and

depression and cynicism, thats how i look at the world and i feel bad

about being negative so i put a spin on things by way of humour and

then everyone is like oh ok that’s funny, so it’s ok.

I don’t really know of any parties yet this Christmas. Not on the scale of the ones I threw at my old place. I live in a swank loft on Richmond now that’s too damn small for a party. They have a party Room in my building but I think that’s really, really gay.

And no more coke buffets either. I think I was one of the last hold outs….

but I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything

yeh those party rooms in loft buildings are totally gay and corny and

thats why theyre a hit because it’s like you rented out the community

centre in your co-op and everyone has to whisper and the lights go off

by 1am so you are not allowed to have a sleepover party

paxil never bothered me at all, barely knew i was taking it, that I guess is

the point with that type of shit, strange as this may sound over 1000 live

shows and the whole band was always sober while playing, with the exception

of a communal type 1 shot of booze thing right before we went on.

drink never solved a whole lotta anything for me either butt it never hurts

to see if one last time it will.

I just had a weird flash of something like Burroughs, Kerouacs’ friendship

obvious reason for you not as much for me, I met Bill in Kansas while

Ministry was hanging out doing video’s and such, he had such great old junky

wisdom, I was only about 20 or so and he kept telling me what an old soul I

was, totally blew me away.

non sequitor do you miss hockey? it’s fucking killing me not to be able to

see a game.

yeh i miss hockey

i am tired of hearing about football/basketball

there are only so many insulting complaints when it comes to the pigskin

people telling me all my life i am an old soul

and now i just feel old

the older i get, the cuter i try to act

i cant even deal with sexyness anymore

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