my lower lip is all dried-up and out and i am too much of a faggot to put lip balm on it so i am sucking at it and biting it and making it look all fat lower lipesque because i get punched in the lip because i am fantastic.
i have a new counsellor and he reminds me of curb your enthusiasm dude and he talks with his hands and he makes great analogies and i tell him i don’t wanna work for the man and he is like, awesome.
i took a picture of the schizophrenia digest that i know you will all appreciate.
doctor dude says i have to make a 5 year plan and i said i can’t even make a five second plan and i told aimee this and she laughed in that way she laughed because she is aimee and fil says, hmmph, “doctor” he is a counsellor I am a doctor and then we talked about the movie we are going to make, and then play it at my art show, one day this century.
and that is my five year plan.
i have a friggin’ earache, i think i am getting sick again AND i hate smoking cigarettes AND i got the lay-away shoes courtesy of GK.