im starving. mum wake up and feed me. i will go wake you up in a minute because we have to work out. i love working out dude. i love running on the treads going woooht wooht hoooAH to the music! and all the ladies are on the eliptical looking at me in the mirror funny and i am like sorry thunderthighs i’m skinny, don’t hate me kuz ya ain’t me!
i swear they pump all the good songs once i’m done cardio and i go oh man wtf.
today me and mums are going to the drugplace and i will finally say the trooths of the trooths and i am actually looking forward to it this time kuz i’ll be, remember the last time when i said this and this and this well really THIS and THIS and THIS is what i was trying to convey and now i’m not hoarding secrets for myself or others anymore.
my strength is scarey.
even though i could only push you over when you were already on the floor in the crouch position.