free hit counter

im a raymiac says:


necklace luky man says:

very sexy fantastic

im a raymiac says:

yes? that is good

necklace luky man says:

now ready to fuck

im a raymiac says:

you are ready to fuck?

necklace luky man says:

yes thats what i feel

necklace luky man says:

very nicely i will kiss for 15 minuts then start

im a raymiac says:

i want to fuck too

necklace luky man says:

when I fuck is there any noice?

im a raymiac says:

there is lots of noise

im a raymiac says:

i sound like i am trying to take a crap when i cum

necklace luky man says:

when I fuck I will put my fingers on the ass firmly

im a raymiac says:


im a raymiac says:

will you wear something nice

necklace luky man says:


necklace luky man says:

do u know normaly when i fuck i put my finger on the ass and push it littel in side

im a raymiac says:

like what

im a raymiac says:

yeh a lot of people do that, personally though i like to put my entire fist into the ass, but that is just me and sometimes i wear press on fingernails that dont have very good adhesive so when i pull out i am missing a few. i like giving people presents.

necklace luky man says:

can u show me some other picture

im a raymiac says:


necklace luky man says:

where are u now in america?

necklace luky man says:

I like to see backside

im a raymiac says:

right now i am living in texas

necklace luky man says:

ok nice

necklace luky man says:

can u tell me what is the meaning of democrocy? can u write it?

necklace luky man says:


im a raymiac says:

it means

im a raymiac says:

form of government in which sovereign power resides in the people as a whole, and is exercised either directly by them or by their elected representatives; State having this form of government

necklace luky man says:

do u know now our country is under big debate about party system

im a raymiac says:

yes u told me how is that going

necklace luky man says:

so some people say they want multiparty system but some people want only one party

so what is ur opinion

im a raymiac says:

what are the two parties they want

necklace luky man says:

we want one ruling party and one opposition party yet we are not create

necklace luky man says:

our country population is about three hundred thousand only

im a raymiac says:

what do u want the ruling party and opposition to be

im a raymiac says:

republican and democratic?

im a raymiac says:

i think democratic is the one u want for sure

necklace luky man says:

or at least we want three party

necklace luky man says:


im a raymiac says:

well democracy is what u need, all the voices are heard

necklace luky man says:


necklace luky man says:

nealy 80% OF THE POPULATION are reformist but the current ruling party are very strict about this

im a raymiac says:

why dont u move to canada

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