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july 7 2000


friday – the air is a buzz with what is to happen tonite.  extended curfew.  about 15 of us have opted for going to this house party we were invited to in gloucester gy this guy from new jersey while we were lost, me and sarah we were stupidly lost though not far at all from montpelier tucker and rebecca were there as well, in search of an irish pub.  we took action shot photos of us strutting down the street i bought this natural sexy drink made of yohimbe and ginseng i did not feel sexy drinking it skeptical mainly. finally made it back, stayed in finishing work it was good to relax though i didn’t fall asleep any sooner read all nite long reading a new book.


so i bought my tube pass today.  went with claudia and sarah b all over in attempt to make it to st. paul’s to work on the tour we have to give the class we never even made it there though we we went to other stores all around knightsbridge we’ll go to st. paul’s on sunday instead.




bina gardens basement flat 15 of us 7 of them all americans and us canadians by the end of the nite the canucks were telling the yanks how stupid we thought they all were and how they give us a bad name. v. funny. did my first funnel.

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