there’s this walking streak of sex i know, “i just had my ass like on your shoulder and like smacekd it and you did not react at all you have to put these on i dont want you to get eye cancer i dont feel so good i chugged a few martinis” “we should go on messenger and talk to each other” “no i do that with my brother”
anyway he walks around in wife beaters like hes kingshit and looks at every girl, thing in the room and he coughs like crazzy in the mornings and holds everything all dainty and says way to be you know what i mean and other stuff too. when i am confronted i become a big asshole don’t type what i just said.
so lemme go back to that chemo weed crap. serious. i can’t believe this shit exists.
that’s the nite i had my make-up all sexy the nite before my bday from alex who got concussed and whipped and spanked and put her lipstick on her friggin’ eyes in the bathroom and swades was all woooooooooooooooh with the belt holy hell.
black people eat ice cream? i thought they ate mud!