im beginning to think more and more like you and the rest of the paranoid americans now, my brain just so happens to be working this fast at the moment, deciphering codes in the papers and on KaZaa even, radio frequencies, broadbandwidths, how to turn dials back and forth and catch certain phrases, subliminalized potential propoganda that my scatter-brained, easily stimulated person tunes right fuckin’ in to. im the perfect space espionage robot android right now.
thats what im preaching. that’s how i think. thank thunk.
that’s how i always thunk, the speed at which. you choose to align your thoughts to whatever is around you, whatever stimulus is there, some girls boobies, a newspaper, a bumblebee, your vagina, etc etc etc. and then you put them all together and the television is on in the same room while you are typing up blog posts, and there is a fax machine beside you, kazaa is open, and you are in california, the weather is terrible and u are in manhattan beach, on a rainy cloudy day, orange alert day, and raymi the minx’s brain is all over the place, all over all over but then focusing on the machine, bill’s machine. typing. to. him. this is what she believes at the time. whether it is true or not is irrelevent. this is highly confidential information and partial reason as to why a lil extra paranoia gets into her bones. her blood. you can only run a person/machine, for so long until they need rest. their brains, working so hard, and heart pounding and other stuff too.
i think somewhere in the us is next. definitely. but if and where and when, right? and how this time, more airplanes into more buildings, probably not. probably fuckin’ vans and stuff full of plastic explosives sent to department stores…or driven around streets, anywhere random, and left there. now they’re setting shit off in turkey and all over the world, trying to distract your brain and think, woah, they got some beef with turkey and then the next day, it”s you. fuck osama. not again. not this time. not his cells of people. im not taking cabs anymore. the same guys showing up to my house acting all weird in van cabs now, perfect lil smuggling white girls around in mobiles. on the premise of being all handicapped, u know. whatever. this is the rightest time to be paranoid. definitely. and the news you choose to watch on tv, decipher it correctly. look at all the lil blips and beeps and mistakes even in commercials. and read foreign papers too, make a point to buy them, and see that sometimes the same write of a column written in english or spanish will sometimes rewrite the same column for another paper, in another language, but put everything backwards, thus re-arranging what was negative in the one paper and what was positive in the other, written by the same dude, simply, to fuck with everyone who reads those papers’ minds, easily.
guess how fucking easy it is to get some knucklehead to do this for you, osama bin lad-in or not. it’s like subliminal brainwashing tactics, but with words, and read daily, for the same papers. it’s how war monsters communicate their messages, all overthe world. which war and time period also does not matter. im just trying to tell you fags that this is definitely reality and it is happening. it is. and then did you hear about the kid who worked for the ny times for over 4 years and every mundane article he wrote was fabricated, or something. the dates wouldn’t match up, the location, all of it. for 4 YEARS. what a genius. aaaand then the ny times gives hi ma bookdeal. HA! nice. when we learn that we have people like that on our side, it makes us feel better, right? right. if some stupid kid can do it, then we call can. we all can change around dates and addresses and timezones and everything. did you know i watched david letterman last nit eand learned about this kid and i dont even remember his name. it’s not important, u know, people’s names. sometimes lies on tv are the best. if osama watched letterman last nite, would he take letterman literally? or the same way i took it? the english language is really fucking hard, you know. especially when paul and dave are talking major fucking jive really fucking fast and stuff, and for some afghani fag or whoever, all you get to read is the top ten list dedicated to the kid, the ny times kid, so then afghani has only that list, can he even read english? probably. does he have intelligence like we have, sitting around his fucking chill-out livingroom or cave, deciphering dave letterman’s top ten list, proving that nyc is smarter this time around and yeh, it is the city that never sleeps and it will never, ever, ever forget what you fucking did to it. and me either.
i saw it. with my own eyes. from my park slope, prospect ave. 15th street rooftop in brooklyn and then all the ashes landed on our cars and in my basil garden but i ate it all anyway. and everything sucked after that. i was poor man, and it was hot and there were people everywhere fucking crying and wallpapered missing peoples posters and shrines and open churches and then it got hotter and hotter and i lived there til 12 october, and no one knew what the fuck was going on. i flew back to canada on canada3000 which is now defunct, thanks to flying paranoia and osama. thanks fag. i flew canada3000 when i was 17, twice, when i went to england.
this is getting to be too long.
throw off osama. propaganda, they want u to hear and think certain things, they leave behind vhs tapes and move to another cave.
he can’t be far. he could be here or there.
disguises, whatever. is he smart enough for blogs and bloggers? this, i always wonder. can we get out information before he sees it? does he know about dsl and cable connection and how to drop a bomb on my head? he knows the backdoor routes, mass murder with 9/11 get exposed, hide out as much as u can, let some of yer pithy soldier dudes die, fight a bit, die a bit, cry a bit, whatever, then start it up again, more war, more. kill this osama fag or not, his cells will still operate. they all must be taken down. how? we”ll get to that. when they say orange alert, they fucking mean it basically. so be wise. inform yourself. watch the news. be wise to who u speak to, let into your home, take a cab from, share a pen with, who your neighbors are, your new or old ones, they could have been living next door all along, training in florida for their plane ride of death and right now, they be in canada, of course. the taliban, fuck YOU.