i invented whitey. i miss whitey.
tony is going to get me on howard stern in times squareD
please link me a lot. please make more people link me a lot. help me make a comeback. goes both ways, i help you, you help me, we help each other and then good things happen to us both, us all. i just wanna get all the stuff that i ever bought for myself, i want that back. i want my things back. my life back. what i own. i want to be able to not be angry at people anymore. i want to be able to forgive and one day, perhaps, forget how things turned out. i am very careful with the words i choose to type, to print and the names that i don’t name. i have my own assets to protect. i have my own shit going on, i just want to be a big famous famous super mega star but i can’t do those fun things right now like going out to bars and drinking and even smoking weed and karaoke too. it’s my heart, you know? and it’s my head. i’m too smart. i wired myself into this pool of geniusness, i had to because i had to prove that yes i am a genius, especially without college and/or university degrees. you teach yourself and then you remember what you’ve been taught all along. no one took me seriously, in real life, no one got it and then, if they did, they kept it to themselves and would not, for some reason, grant me the satisfaction of compliments and the like and then if they did, i was too busy listening to my inner-negativity and insecurities to realise that mebbe, yah, this person wants me badly or that person wants to be my best friend or my girlfriend or lover or pusher, pauper, pigeon, buddy, cousin…
i pleased too many people
every person i could
and now i’m working from the inside out
i don’t look in mirrors anymore and i don’t lecture into them. i try and tell people i am happy inside but all they hear is the manic tone and the anger rage and frustration and sadness that i kinda scripted all along and then they can’t believe that i actually am happy now because there is too much rage inside of me because there are certain people in this real world that wont return my calls now or txt messages and see things from their perspectives and several of them i have forgotten about those people for the time being, but i never fully delete them in my mind… i figured my way into this mess and i know my way out.
thank you for being my friend. everyone.
thank you.
and thank you internet friends the most. you helped me the most during a lot of bad times and i’m sorry if i was snarky to you, but you know, that’s my deal, say it like i see it and then you can have the next line, back at me.
d/l. pete yorn’s, life on a chain.
carlos d. butler
hoo ha ha in the end. i am not allowed to write for this blog. period.
you’re my sex bomb
the boondocks
k bye.