I kind of want to see her again and note if she wigs out all the time or not.
I also lol'd at the shitty haircut finale. A well written tale of something we've all either experienced or...
this is the greatest blog ever written. A tale for the ages. RAYMI IS THE BEST! I gave her 1 dollar and she...
I've never had anything like this happen to me before.. was she saying anything?
awwwwwwwwww u are right
what the hell does this mean? radikaalsust on rohkem vaja! anarhiat ja korrap�ratust! kaost ja musta s�gavikku! keegi v�iks eestis teha samasuguse �lbuse etaloni blogikese nagu on raymi the minxil! noh, on julgeid?
what the hell does this mean?
radikaalsust on rohkem vaja! anarhiat ja korrap�ratust! kaost ja musta s�gavikku! keegi v�iks eestis teha samasuguse �lbuse etaloni blogikese nagu on raymi the minxil! noh, on julgeid?
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