free hit counter

8 23pm

i fucking fucking fucking hate these machines im walking back and forth trying to upload shit and fiddle with this and that and answering emails and phone calls and trying on wigs and underwears and trying to find a filter for a j and NOTHING IS WORKING.

this might have something to do with it, maybe.

you don’t like beethoven.

barry is going on 60 minutes in a few days to talk about babies made from sperm before the year 1965 and i told him to shout out as i know any of you would because you are so nice to me.

i decided i will go go dance afterall, but i am not going to wear a big dumb outfit in case no one shows up and i’m not filming it but i will take photos, i promise. it’s friday nite, why am i still talking to you? i have to go shower all the aids off of my body. i hope you have a good nite and i will see you tomorrow.


ok now i am awake and i am thinking about not go-go dancing my face off. if i do i’ll wear jeans and some stupid shirt. ok i changed my mind again, i am go go dancing. maybe. i want to wear a wig just like that little blond one but craig is a selfish asshole so i might go get one just like it. though i probably won’t because it is dark out now and i might get followed. the government sent me a cheque for 87 dollars and twenty-one cents, god bless them. i burnt my tongue on a hot sausage filled with cheese. it is going to ruin my day. i just know it.

good morning world

today i predict subzero temperatures

heart palpitations


the sweats

bloody noses

gritty teeth

coke hangover city

but after that is all said and done, after you watch me dance around a bit at the el mo’ you might want to grab the blackest people you know and head over to 56 Kensington for a little wall-mirror disco shit. i’ll be there a two-steppin’ knee deep with the blacks. it’s 3 dollars.

jeff jarvis gave me a big sex present today.

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