why do people pick their nose in their car even though they know everyone can see?
cuz they fuckin’ can.
why is everyone being crabby to me today? unnngh. u will not see pics of me in panties or humping things or true account stories of me fucking old men because there are certainthings i must keep secret – some people have access to this site who would be hurt/offended, and/or very very pissed off if they were privy to some certain information. however, if u are willing to pay a reasonable price – i would be more than willing to send some, um, photos of me not wearing clothes. yes i would like a fanclub very much so. i am not repetetive, well i am, but not on purpose. i can’t help being repetetive. anyhow, this is a pic my friend took of me with his new fancy digital camera, just now. it was hard to get the right pose, then we got all awkward kuz i was posing too slutty and well, anyway, this is how it turned-out. – i put blond streaks in my hair last nite. u can’t see them in this pic. my mum came home to me sitting on the couch with a plastic cap on my head, bleach everywhere.
i am thinking of putting some newer, interactive(r) site thing together, like people tell me to do weird things, then i do ‘em, take pics…blah blabbity blahh…and u like, pay me money. i already boughtthe domain – minxraymi.com
ok ok, in the near future u will see more slutty stories about me. i promise.