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i’ve fukkin’ had it with Hardware. i’m nothing but a bitch. “Cut this key” bitch. “Go get some Ice Melt” bitch. “Your hair is too weird for our store” bitch. “Go help that old guy with plumbing” bitch. “Go get me a coffee cuz you’re an hour late” bitch.

Today i was treated like a slave. move this. move that. go over there. come back. go over there. don’t ask too many questions…just do it.


hmmmph. the customer is not always rite, yuh’know. the customer, in fact, is irrational, demanding and a ffukin’ twat when it comes to hardware. i swear. one time this guy wanted me to cut him 30 copies of the same key. so i do it, rite.

Buddy comes back ten minutes later cuz none of the keys work and he is going AWOL on me. ffuker, i’ve been working here for two years, i am not retarded. then he’s all, “Well, this key you copied from doesn’t really work but i thought since you run it thru machine it fix itself. yah?”

jesus. ok. deep breath. “Look buddy, you just made me make 30 friggin’ copies of a key that DOESN’t work! You wonder WHY these keys don’t work!?!?”

I only sorta lost it on him. i went out for a walk around the block and had a smoke.

“Customer is always rite?” My ffukin’ ass!

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