This iz whut i use to do when mum would let me take the day off of kindergarden. In my fantasy world I was teacher to my stuffed frendz and i read to them frum all my dr.Seuss boox and frum that one book in my hands . That book was one of like 50 in a series . it was called ‘Lets talk about teasing’ and focused on this asshole brother who always taunted the shit outta his sister and her back at him. i kood relate to that. All the other books began wif, ‘Lets talk about…’ I think we got them free in the mail cuz my mom ordered a subscription for sum magazine and they were a promo. my students had to sit and watch me drink my tea and eat biscuits and i would choose only one very lucky student to share cuz there was never enuff to go around which was too bad ‘cos i remember them all being very nice. My name was Missus Clorenchio. (I made that up). I wuz a child prodigy of sorts.