Guess whut i did sat’nite?
I layed facedown on my livingRooM floor for 7 hourz. Wunce I got up to take a pee and the whole right side of my body wuz numb and i had carpeT imprintS on my face. My hair was all ratty. I looked like a doped-up, fume-Huffin’ beeOtch.
And now…There are three things I absolutely MUST do before i kan even Konsider throwing myseLf into bed and i’ve spent the last 4 hours avoiding doing ALL three of them. I am so horribly lazy. I put things off in the hopes of miracles occuring. Rite now i am evidently here, typing this out, avoiding these horrible 3 monkeys on my shoulders. ffuk.
arrrgh, i feeL my period kummin’ on as well. Why is my life a living hell ?
For enterTainment purposes i choose Dramatiks as my clutch. I hope you will be pleased.