This guy, he fukkin’ walks into my store today and asks,”Do you have girl Shovels?”
“Whut, exactly IS a ‘GIRL SHoveL ?” I stare at him, eyebrows raised, hands on hips,”Is it pink? It must be tiny, right?!”
The guy is embarassed and cannot understand why a GIRL is werking in a hardware store AND insulting him at the same time.
I knew he meant to ask for children’s shovels, but still, jeez, give it up. Think HARDER and more towards the year 2000 and not 1400.
i am no right-wing feminist in anyway, so don’t think i say the things i say or do the things i do becuz of that. I happen to be one of the most politikally incorrect people to walk the face of the earth. That is purely accidental and KAn sumtimes be charming. Like, this one time my frend and i were in the condom shack and he pointed to this stuffed bear which had an enormous erection and said “Oh, i got that for Leda.” And you know whut the three werdz to come ouuta my mouth were?
“But, she’s jewish.”
and like that explains everything. whuddevir. we slapped our knees and moved on. Oh yeh, i seem to have branched off topic. what i am trying to say here is, I only feel obligated to give these men a ‘harD time’ becuz they ask for it with their iNappropriate comments towards I and the other chicks. It’s reaL eFFing annoying whut we have to put up wif.