There’s this guy who kums into h.h. quite often in the a.m. He had a Lobotomy two years ago. He woks thru the whole store, going up and down every aisle, looking at every product in-depth. Since he’s had a chunk of his brain removed, it’s eFFed-uP his memorY a tad so, everytime he comes in the store, for him it’s like the very first time. That’s why he takes so long looking at everyDamNthing. He scares the other customers away. I always avoid him cuz he rambles on and on about sum hardware store his dad owned and when he was a lil boy he worked in it. I made the mistake once of smiling and nodding my head. Never again. He never buys anything. The woman who watches over him and all the other whackos he lives wif gave us her number to kall if he gets out-of-hand.
I did two stoopid things today:
I tried to tie my shoe on the streetcar during rushHour when it’s all crowded with bodies. While i was down there in a semi squatting-dawg position, the streetcar turned the corner, I tipped over onto my side and fell into this old lady’s feet. My pants got all wet and dirty and everyone got all pissed cuz my fall made them shift and have to touch one-another. hmmph, i sez.
As mentioned previously, I consumed a fries Supreme frum Taco SmeLL at 10 am. Oversight on my part.