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i want to bleed your cedar ’til it gives me fever and i’m high

i burned my lower lip last nite from sneaking butter chicken before it had completed its simmering, took off a layer of lip skin and now it looks like i’ve had collagen injected, wicked. that’s my beauty tip of the day, scald your lower lip with something.

cats are little retards, dude sat like this for a solid ten minutes, he was in the licking zone then got distracted.


i was listening to radiohead and having an autistic moment while fil was wii fitting, i thought it would be really whimsical of me if i made a video of myself re-outlining my aerobics drawing with red sharpie, too bad i didn’t, i’m sure the outcome wouldn’t be at all embarrassing. we rented the orphanage, i give it 3.8 stars.

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