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a package

cures moodiness, i am slipping some in fil’s drink tonite ;)

just in time too, i’m pre-menses right now, tho aren’t i always?

perfect, these will totally fit up my nostrils.

perfect for road vodka thanks guys.

then i left the room for an hour and someone got all up in my menses care package…

i took that tote out shopping yesterday, very spacious, anyway, if you have a teeny va-gine, i have like ten million tampons for you.

then off to ryerson for a project.

i had to take pictures of myself while being photographed a thousand times, then record some PSA material.

i am NOT awkward!

sass met me after work to babysit and destroy a shelf.

then we went for a brew at the imperial and saw this dinnerinthesky business over dundas square. last minute amex card holders were invited to dine, LUCKY!

i believe jen was one of the lucky dicks to experience this.

then tv on the radio as you already know about.

have yet to sew up that slit.

these pants, i tell you, people can’t handle the red, like they half-admire them half-attempt to scowl me into oblivion. lighten up squares! another thing, my short shorts, my buddy paul overheard two cashiers at the lcbo slaggin’ on my shorts after i left, he was in line and heard them say “…if I wore shorts like that…” what? what would happen? nothing, cos you CAN’T wear shorts like that. get OVER it and focus on yourself. i’m getting pretty tired of being treated so shitty from bitter chicks all over town just cos they’re insecure and forgot to take care of their own shit.

Oh by the way, I don’t want to start shit but after you left the LCBO, your clerk and my clerk started talking about your shorts. I totally gave them cut eye. They were both overweight too, so when the one girl said “if I wore shorts like that…” my only thought was “but you couldn’t wear shorts like that”. The two skinny female clerks there are faster and friendlier, I should’ve just waited in one of their line-ups.


omg what else did they say!!!!!

That was it, I wasn’t paying attention then I clued in when I realized they had just finished talking about you.


I should have but I was too shocked. You’re right, those clerks like to start stuff, you didn’t even say anything to them to get them started.

happens to me ALL the time
everywhere i go
ugly people treat me shitty then play the victim

ungh, also i was with my TALL HANDSOME BOYFRIEND did they take note of that? you can’t walk around with a HOT BABE DUDE if you don’t make an effort to at least match him in the looks dept.

this print busts me up. sigh.

we are going away tomorrow now i don’t have to kill myself! and why do we always go away when i am a fat pre-menstrual pig, i also haven’t crapped in like DAYS.

oh YEAH happy fourth of july all you amerinoids!

all you dudes said happy canada day to us and were like BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE MEANS!!! yeah me either i guess, in any event, we got our party over with first so i think that means we win. thanks for stickin’ with my blog even though you don’t understand how i talk eh. i will make more of an effort to post american material for you to enjoy.

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