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hi live blogging i am!

i’m in brad’s office at gibson right now hangin’ with a bud drinkin’ white vino and she is FULLY BLOWING MY MIND TELLING ME ABOUT DERMOID CYCTS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THESE THINGS!!!? now i’m pretty sure i have one too great! she basically has a golfball sized hair eyeball and TEETH lump inside her goddamn it’s the the movie the fucking gate! hang on i need another swig after that. so she was experiencing pain right where i was experiencing it for the longest time CAN YOU SAY ULTRASOUND FINALLY!

dudes, if you know what’s good for you do NOT google image search ‘dermoid cyst’ alright i’m fully going to barf later. oh and if you have one and were wanting to keep it, you’re not allowed so now we are talking about women who eat their placentas oh god you’re welcome!

the reason i’m in here is cos i’m hiding from the surprise babyshower out there and someone was cunty to me, i tried twice to insert myself in a convo then peaced out.

i’m wearing my yellow supermarket dress cos earlier today i had a power deuce and it skinny’d me right up guys! awesome!

dudes i’m booooooooooooooored talk to me in comments, ask me questions, brush my hair!

oh great and now i have cramps.

i just remembered i brought grey goose ORANGE FLAVOURED vodka it’s in my flask.

i’m going to entertain myself with old pics now

havin’ a rest waiting for fucking axl to show up the diva.

this picture makes everyone sad, the two on each end are no longer with us sigh. 2006 xmas.

jamie and rory.

dermoid cyst!

what were you doing when you were 19? this is what i was up to…

my mom the hottie.

i keeps it real.

die mannequin chick i nicely took a picture of before she humped my face.

i have gnarly ass cramps right now i can’t even get up we all just hit the ‘quila.

what is up.

i’m the one with the stuffed bra on the left near the rabbit.


some words of wisdom from 12 year old raymi.

melodie and i lookin’ like sisters.

my 23rd bday.

sharpies 29th bday.

(2006?)2007 new years we stayed in cos fil was sick.

wow i was pretty whimsical when i was stoned.

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