free hit counter

a guy comes up, looking pretty 8-ball

and so it began.

went for a walk to indigo after a dinner of canned lobster bisque (no more of that stuff for these guys) and spinach salad. we also made the lcbo with two minutes to spare and i watched a lush promptly not get served cos he couldn’t figure out how to answer the cashier repeatedly (tricksing him!) asking if he was keeping warm cos it was hot out. it made me sad.

we bought two books collectively, well i gave fil the 6 bones left on my gift card to put toward a book i wanted what was pretty steep, the brief wondrous life of oscar wao i picked it up and was deciphering how pretentiously hip it was going to be and an employee came at me out of nowhere and said really loud that it had won the pulitzer the day before and everyone looked up from their books at me and i had to run away with it because who puts down a book that wins a pulitzer in front of strangers who totally don’t even give a fuck, god what a complete neurotic fool i am. i churtled out some words like yeah and i heard some things about it being good (lie), i only saw a picture of it on a blog so that equals “good things i have heard about it” – moral of the story DON’T TALK TO ME STRANGERS YOU FREAK ME OUT! (unless you read my blog and we are at a bar and you have a present for me)

bought the new cat power with my gift card.

finished playing cooking mama, a work of love it was and believe it or not, a totally decent arm work out.

then near bedtime took a million pictures of myself while fil completed the last recipe.

i should have left my angelina painting outside brangelina’s house.

this shirt used to be a dress, the dumpiest dress in the world.

i’ve had this since i was a toddler, my aunt made it.

i totally had to take a pee while taking these, your guys’s entertainment is more important, i commit.

yes i went there.

oh and then my camera dropped to the floor and i had a mini freak-out.

elated it still works.

then i took some nudies i was that drunk elated.

ok bye for now, the next post you will totally LOVE.

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